Monday, June 6, 2011

The Acid Midget Manifesto

Acid Midget does not want your manual labour in the form of 'capital'. Acid Midget does not want you to stand naked at a mountain summit 1000m above sea level and howl at the moon. Acid Midget does not want you to download copyright media without a high speed connection. Acid Midget does not want you to purchase ideologies. Acid Midget does not want you to get a Brazilian wax out back of a crack house. Acid Midget does not want you to call John Lennon 'amazing' unless you live with hunger on a weekly basis. Acid Midget does want you to pay buskers in subway tunnels before learning to play the guitar. Acid Midget does not want you to lament any genocide without counting the number of abductions, rapes and murders of Aborigines since Australia's European settlement. Acid Midget does not want you to say "the revolution will not be televised" when you voted for the sitting government. Acid Midget does not want you to accept 'official statements' as words real people actually say. Acid Midget does not want you to say "it could be worse" to forget you're as unhappy as everybody else. Acid Midget does not want you to ignore ideas which can't be monetised. Acid Midget does not want you to expect legal or political institutions to believe you are a beautiful, enlightened person. Acid Midget does not want you to notice people's skin colour. Acid Midget does not want you to say "following rules and laws is the key to happiness". Acid Midget does not want you to believe the summer of 1969 ended.
(Chairman Meow: Chippendale stencil wall, Sydney)

1 comment:

Alice Whitaker said...

Great bblog I enjoyed reading