Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HOLLYWOOD: Desire Obtain Cherish billboard

Is this Hollywood Blvd billboard telling women they should either:

A) Stay away from Italians?

B) Drink more Stella Artois?

C) Drink more Stella Artois with body language that suggests they are performing fellatio?

D) Stay away from men all together because they will use you like a two-minute steak?

Is this Hollywood Blvd billboard telling women they should either:

A) Stay away from Latinos?

B) Drink more Stella Artois because that's what beautiful, desirable slutwalkers do?

C) Perform more fellatio because that's the best way to attract men with desirable genes?

D) Mix a cocktail of beauty products, alcohol, heightened promiscuity and passive behaviour because you're one of the 'uglies' and a candidate for suicide if you don't?

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